I was having a wonderful pregnancy so far. I had no complaints. Things were great.
Then I hit 35 weeks. Ugh. Here comes insomnia, back aches, pubic bone pain, major cramps. And each day they've gotten worse. Now I'm sitting at 36 weeks and a day and I can barely stand up without having pain in my pelvis. I feel like Goob is gonna pop out anytime I'm on my feet. I've gotten kind of worried.
Thankfully, I have my check up tomorrow afternoon so I'll be sure to get all my questions answered. It's the start of my weekly check ups. So she'll be giving me internals and we'll see if I'm making any progress.
You know, with all my aches and pains in the past week, I've experienced no contractions. Or at least none that I'm aware of. I mean, I could be having contractions and just not realize it, right? Who knows?
Now it's just a waiting game. And pretty much everything is coming along:
At school: all my lesson plans are done. I've put away pretty much everything that I dont want a sub routing around in. I've made all the copies my kids will need. My lesson plans don't start until April 7th so no baby until then!! Plus I still need to get the paperwork straightened out with my leave. Hopefully that will be done on Tuesday.
At home: Goob's room is all ready. I've got tons of clothes, plenty of diapers, and most of the supplies that I'll need. Plus J and I've spiffied up our bedroom since that's where the little guy will sleep most of the time. We rented a Rug Doctor last night and have cleaned the carpets. (Our carpet was horrible!!!!! You should have seen the dirty water. It was black!!!!) We moved the furniture to make room for the pack and play/bassinet. I bought a little cheapie night table. It's kinda crazy. Our room looks more homey. Before it just had a bed and a tv. Seriously. Now it's more cozy.
With family: It seems like everyone is ready to drop everything and head down here when they get the call. My parents were here last weekend and my mom was here this weekend. So the next time I'll see them is when I'm at the hospital getting ready to deliver. We haven't seen J's parents since early February. And we got a phone call from them last night, that they want to visit us next weekend. Why? Why now? Why come when I'm 37 weeks pregnant. It's not like I'm gonna wanna to be entertaining. Jeez, I can't barely walk and they want to come and visit. Why not just wait until the baby's born? It seems strange to me to drive all this way to visit next weekend and then they'll have to come back up in a week or two for the baby's birth. Weird.
2 days ago
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