Sunday, January 25, 2009


Tonight J went to get us some dinner. I fed Goob dinner and then we played on the floor. J returned. Goob got all excited and smiled at him and then raised his hand in the air, like he was waving. It was cute....unless he was doing the Nazi salute and in that case, not so cute. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

And then as I was walking in the bathroom to take him from J after his bath, he did it again!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weekly Pics: Week 37-38

Week 38: January 20th

Week 37: January 13th (Not the best picture, but it's all I got. I was documenting his first time to eat real bananas. We get excited about the silliest things around here.)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Boys will be boys at any age.

A few minutes ago, I was sitting on the floor. My almost 9 month old crawled over to me, climbed into my lap, and put his head on my chest. It was awesome. I finally felt that he truely and deeply knew that I was his mama and that I would do anything for him. And then he burped. And then laughed at his burp. Boys!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Mondays!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Here are the things that I didn't do this past Saturday.

I didn't wake up at 7 am on Saturday morning when I have to be at work at 8 am and that work is certainly not 30 miles away. I certainly wasn't so late that I just threw my hair in a ponytail and threw on the clothes that I wore the previously night.

I definitely didn't stop at McDonald's on Saturday morning when I wasn't late to grab a delicious sausage biscuit.

I was not gullible and I didn't fall for L's joke that C wasn't at work yet when she was supposed to be there at 7 am and it was 8am. I certainly didn't pull over and have a freak out and call another friend to call C's mom and try to figure out where she was. I defintely shouldn't have known better to believe a thing that L says.

I didn't whine and groan all morning cause I was having to work on a Saturday.

I didn't get snippy with an older teacher when she got snippy with me. And I certainly didn't tell her to "get over it" when she wanted to argue with me. That was not me, my parents certainly raised me better.

I didn't go home and collapse on the couch for the rest of the afternoon. And I didn't jump for joy when Goob took a long nap while J went to a job interview.

I didn't force my husband to drive us 50 miles to get to a nearest Babies R Us cause they were having a sell on diapers. (Buy 2 value boxes, get a free $15 gift card. I promise you it was a great deal!)

I didn't have a melt down at BRU when I couldn't find my needed size. (A size 3, in case anyone wants to send me diapers.) And I did't make my hubby go and ask the associate to check in the back.

I didn't convince my husband to take me out to dinner when I just spent almost $100 at BRU. And I certainly didn't have dessert. Yum! Or not yum!

(Wow. Saturday really wasn't my day!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

So many changes so fast

To make a long story short, since the last time I posted, my husband lost his job and our world flip flopped. He got laid off last Friday (1/9).

After spending a weekend in shock, he got to work looking for another job. He's got great experience, but he's been considering a change...out of the world of retail. Besides, the retail world is so scary lately with all the big box stores closing (Bye, Circuit City!). So he's exploring other options. Right now, he's got 5 big prospects. 3 are retailers. 2 are not. The 2 that are not are located in San Antonio, about 3 hours away.

Right now he's in San Antonio staying at his parent's house because he has an interview tomorrow. This was a job recommended to us by my grandfather. It's a management training position. There is a lot of growth in this company.

I think we both really want him to get one of these San Antonio jobs (the other he applied for last week and is waiting to see what they say). We've been living down here in south Texas for 4 years. We've always talked about moving and now it really looks like the opportunity might be presented to us.

Him getting the job is going to be a major change for us. He'll mostly likely have to start ASAP. We've discussed that he'll probably move to San Antonio and live with his parents while I stay here and finish up my year of teaching and put the house on the market. Then we've talked about not looking for another house for awhile. We'd like to live with his parents (they have a HUGE house) for about a year and save enough to pay off some of our debts and for a down payment for another house.

Lots to think about. Lots of new possibilites. If you can, please send us some positive thoughts for DH's job interview tomorrow and for our fresh start.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weekly Pic: Week 36

Week 36: January 6th

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Now and Then

May 2008

January 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another resolution

I'm not going to spend time worrying about things that are not in my control. In Randy Pausch's words, I'm gonna be a Tigger, not an Eeyore.

Bad night last night

Goob went to bed normally. Ate dinner, played, had a bath, played, ate a bottle, went to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary.

J and I had some quality, playing Wii and reading. It was a nice night. We went to bed around midnight.

At 3ish, I hear it. The whining and crying on the monitor. At first, I didn't think anything of it. Sometimes he just cries in his sleep. But he kept at it. After a few minutes of whining/crying, I elbowed J. He went to get the Goob, I went to get a bottle. I thought he'd take a few drinks and fall back asleep. We put him in bed with us and watched tv as he ate his bottle.

He finished the bottle so J put him back to bed. J didn't even get out of the room when he started crying again. We put him back in bed with us. He got comfy and fell asleep. J noticed that he was asleep and tried to carry him back to his crib. This time he lasted 10 minutes and J and I were back asleep. Then he started crying again.

We haven't experienced anything like this since Goob was a newborn. It was awful.

We gave him another bottle. He just played with it. And then he decided that he wanted to play with us. He was smiling and giggling and trying to be a ham. We tried not to laugh since we were beyond tired, but you know how it goes.

Finally, we just decided to leave him in bed with us. Around 6 oclock, he finally went fell asleep until 9 am.

I think today he's been recovering from his lack of sleep. He took a nap from 11 to 12:15 and now he's been sleeping since 2:15.

Wish us luck that tonight is a better night.

Weekly Pics: Weeks 32-35

Week 35: December 30th

Week 34: December 23rd

Week 33: December 16th

Week 32: December 9th

New Year's Resolution

I've made several resolutions. I'm really going to work towards sticking to them.

For my family:
I'd like us to go to church more often. We're going to try to go once a month, and if that works out, we'll increase it.

For my household:
I'm going to do 1 load of laundry per day. I hate having to do massive loads on the weekends. It ruins my whole day. So one per day. I think I can handle that. And I'm going to try to follow the Fly Lady more than I have been.

For our finances:
I'm going to try and work on paying down our debts. I'd like to be able to pay off several credit cards.

For my blog:
I'm very hot and cold. I'll blog a lot one week and then not at all for 3 weeks. I'm going to try to post at least 3 times a week.

For myself:
I'm going to try and be more health conscious. I'll think twice about what's going into my body and how much activity I'm getting. I'm going to start a food log and document everything.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009!

Happy New Year!

What an amazing year 2008 has been. Who knows what 2009 has in store for us?

(A resolution post coming soon.)