Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Weekly Pics: Week 18, 19, 20

Week 20: September 16th

Week 19: September 9th

Week 18: September 2nd

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Just a quick update. We started bananas last night. Goob loved them. He kept opening his mouth for more and more. Yay!

Pictures to follow.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Goob's first ER visit

First of all, I feel like a horrible mommy. I broke one of those rules I swore I would never do.

So yesterday afternoon, I was getting ready to go meet a friend and her daughter for lunch. J was ironing his clothes for work in the living room. I put Goob's car seat on our arm chair and put Goob in it. I didn't buckle him in because I knew that as soon as I buckled him in, he would start crying. So I just sat him in there and told DH to keep an eye on him. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle to throw in the diaper bag.

Well, the unthinkable happened. Goob was fidgeting around and he leaned forward in the car seat. When he leaned forward, he fell out on to our hardwood floors. J was across the room and couldn't get to him in time before he hit the ground. As soon as I heard what happened I ran back. J was picking him up.

My poor baby was crying so hard. I was screaming and shaking and crying. I honestly felt like my life flashed in front of my eyes. J was the calm one. As soon as I could stop shaking, I got Goob in my arms. I was still really crying. But, as soon as Goob saw that I was crying, he started laughing! He thought it was the funniest thing ever to see his mommy with mascara and tears all over her face. At that point, I calmed down alot.

We couldn't tell where he landed, we just knew he landed face down. We didn't see any bumps or red marks or anything like that. But we decided to go the ER just in case. We live 2 minutes from the hospital and they let us right back to triage. Within 30 minutes, we had seen a doctor.

The doc examined him. Nothing. He couldn't find anything wrong with him. He even asked us if we were sure he fell. He told us he'd probably wake up with a bruise or a bump today. He gave us a list of things to look for. The main thing was vomiting which he hasn't done. During the examination, Goob kept laughing and smiling so much so that the doc had to call in another doc to come see how cute he was.

So we were back home within an hour of his falling. (I love my hospital!) Goob took a nap. Woke up later as happy as a clam. He was normal the rest of the day.

In fact, he woke up this morning with still no bruise or bump or any signs that he had fallen.

So, I've learned my lesson. I'm strapping him down no matter what he's doing or where he's at.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Look what happens when Mommy and Daddy have too much time on their hands...

J and I were both off this weekend, so we got around to do those chores we've been putting off. At the top of the list was going through Goob's closet and putting away anything that doesn't fit our Goob. We're not getting rid of anything. They're just being put away from #2 (who is not on his way anytime soon!) Anyways we had fun.

Goob wanted to know what the heck we were doing to all his clothes!

Once we told him, he pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't have to help. Sneaky, little Goob!

A few minutes later he decided to join in on the fun. He likes to try on hats!

His daddy thought he looked cool his this. Ha!

We had more pics, but I felt/looked like crap that day so I'm definitely not putting those up here.

We started solids on Saturday!

We're working on rice cereal now. It was fun....

....and messy.

He's just getting rice cereal for the next two weeks. Then we'll start adding a new fruit or vegetable every 5 days. Yum!

Hurricane Ike

This is getting ridiculous. This will be our 2nd hurricane this year. The county will be deciding whether or not to have a mandatory evacuation later today. Yuck.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Goob says "Look what I can do!"


"I'm bored. What should I do?"

"Let me try this"

"Hey, this is neat!"

"Ta-da! Look what I can do! Haha. Mommy and Daddy are in trouble now!"