Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Look what happens when Mommy and Daddy have too much time on their hands...

J and I were both off this weekend, so we got around to do those chores we've been putting off. At the top of the list was going through Goob's closet and putting away anything that doesn't fit our Goob. We're not getting rid of anything. They're just being put away from #2 (who is not on his way anytime soon!) Anyways we had fun.

Goob wanted to know what the heck we were doing to all his clothes!

Once we told him, he pretended to be asleep so he wouldn't have to help. Sneaky, little Goob!

A few minutes later he decided to join in on the fun. He likes to try on hats!

His daddy thought he looked cool his this. Ha!

We had more pics, but I felt/looked like crap that day so I'm definitely not putting those up here.

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