Friday, April 24, 2009

2 week ENT follow up

Today was Goobs's tube follow up with the ENT. After we checked in, he had a hearing test. He didn't like it. He kept squirming around and trying to pull the things from his ears and crying. The audiologist (is that what's she called?) said that she thought she got enough from him.

About 20 minutes later, our ENT and the audiologist come in and tell me that he passed his left ear hearing test and failed the right ear hearing test! Doc thinks he just didn't sit still long enough. He also told me that I would definitely know if he was deaf in one ear. (Would I?)

Now we have to go back on Monday for another procedure where they will sedate him and do a more extensive hearing test.

(At first they scheduled me for the second test on May 7th, but I cried and told them I couldn't wait that long. I would be too stressed out about it. So the audiologist took pity on me and squeezed us in on Monday.)

I'm so scared. I have so many questions running through my head. Could he really be deaf in one ear? What will we do? Can it be fixed? Did the tubes cause this? Would I have noticed deafness?

I'm going to go to pieces.


That was posted yesterday at JM. I just did a quick copy and paste so that I could keep my blog updated.

I'm feeling a lot better, especially after hearing from Kel. (Thank you, Kel!) I'm pretty much sure that the test they did wasn't worth a dime and that he can hear. Last night, I spent about an hour testing him. I'd whisper on his right side or bang something on his right side, and he always turned his head or acknowledged me. He wouldn't do that if he was deaf, right? And if he is, we'll get through it. But I'm not going to worry myself sick until I know for sure what's going on. I just can't take it.

And I'm so thankfully that I have such a great husband. Next week is our state-wide testing and I just can't take any time off. So he's taking time off his job to stay here in Harlingen and take Christian in for his procedure next Monday. Then that afternoon, he'll drive back up to San Antonio for work on Tuesday.

1 comment:

leah said...

I found your blog through google. Hopefully it was just a messed up test (that happens a lot)! But even if it wasn't, it is good to find out if there is a unilateral hearing loss ahead of time. Our little guy has a bilateral loss, but is age appropriate with his speech (got his hearing aids early and technology is WONDERFUL). I hope your testing goes well on Monday. It is always stressful, but your little guy will totally be OK no matter what the outcome is.